Posts Tagged ‘comfort’

Photo Friday: Comfort and Style

February 10, 2017

Today’s Picture is another school assignment.  I was to shoot a pair of shoes to show texture, and focus on the style of it.  Himalayan cats are considered a symbol of style, so that’s why he’s in there,  that, and I couldn’t get him out of the picture.



Success Sunday: How You Do Anything

March 8, 2015

How You Do Anything

I was listening to a Secret Seminar on Audible, and T. Harv Eker was having the audience stand up.  Some of the people weren’t standing as fast, and he said something that now makes perfect sense to me.  “How you do anything is how you do everything.”

Since my last computer crashed, one of the ways I found to keep me entertained was to add pool on my IPhone, where I can play others online.  I would play 20 or more games in a sitting, and spend most of the time losing, fast.  I would get lucky on some games, but for the most part I would lose, then, a couple of days ago, I remembered that saying, “How you do anything is how you do everything.”  (I know I said it in the first paragraph, but it is worthy of repeating)  I started playing to win, not just to play, and I started winning more often.  The first day I played 10 games, and won 9.  Even when I lose, now, the games are much closer.

I know it may seem silly talking about online billiards when discussing success traits, but there is a lesson to be learned from this.  How I treated these simple games is how I’ve treated everything in my life.  I approach my goals with the attitude of trying to reach them without the effort needed to excel.  It was only when I applied a little effort, and focus that I saw the results I wanted.

In all my successes in the past, and there have been a few, I saw the same effort and focus.  It doesn’t have to be complicated, or strenuous, to bring you to success, but there does have to be effort, focus, and you may have to leave your comfort zone to see the desired results.

I could go on and on with this subject, but instead of boring you with the War and Peace of success, there are just a couple more things in line with “How you do anything is how you do everything” that should be mentioned.  You must be persistent when doing things towards your goal.  You are going to run into temporary defeat, often, but if you are persistent, you will learn from your mistakes, and ultimately reach your goals.

The last thing I should mention is to prioritize your goals.  Life is full of distractions (like my wife, lol) and when you let those distractions get the better of you, you will eventually lose interest in your goals.  Yes, there are bills to pay, and there are chores to perform, but you must make your goals a priority, if you are ever going to succeed.  When you give your dreams the time and attention they deserve, you will be happier, and they will pay off.